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David C. Kreutzer, D.M.D., P.C.
Practice Limited to Endodontics
Practice Limited to Endodontics
11786 SW Barnes Rd., Suite 230
Portland, OR 97225
Frequently Asked Questions
Will this hurt?
The association between "root canal" and "pain" is outdated. With the use of modern techniques and anesthetics, Dr. Kreutzer will take every measure to ensure that your procedure is in no way uncomfortable or painful. If treatment is needed, a small amount of local anesthetic will be administered to profoundly anesthetize a concentrated area of your mouth. For most patients, the feeling of numbness usually subsides after 2-3 hours. Any post-operative tenderness (which is normal and is no cause for alarm) usually subsides within a few days and is best alleviated with ibuprofen (Advil), aspirin, or acetaminophen (Tylenol) as directed.